Protect The Hogback
Recent Letter to PTH Advocates and 2nd Referral Letter from Jefferson County
The rezone case is now designated as being in "3rd referral" by Jefferson County Planning and Zoning.
Representatives from PTH and the community met recently with Jefferson County regarding this case. Attending for the County were, Joseph Kerby, County Manager, Abel Montoya, Director of Development and Transportation, Pat O'Connell, County Geologist, Chris Okeefe, Nick Nelson and Sara Kohles, Planning and Zoning Management and staff
The purpose of this meeting was to share the PTH and community points of view and concerns regarding the proposed rezone for clay mining on the Dakota hogback. Since its inception in 2021, PTH's main goal has been to represent your collective community voice and advocate for a denial of this rezoning application.
For reference, Case Manager, Sara Kohles is the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning point of contact regarding any and all questions regarding this proposed rezone. Her contact information is, 303-271-8734
PTH's best guess is that this case may eventually move to the Planning
Commission for review and ultimately to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) for a final decision.
Another development is that a new Jefferson County Commissioner, Rachel Zenzinger, has just been elected to replace outgoing Commissioner Tracy Kraft-Tharp in District 1. Mrs. Zenzinger will be sworn in on 1/14/2025. PTH will explore having a dialog with Mrs. Zenzinger in the near future to discuss community concerns on this case.
Finally, we have attached (below) a "graphic depiction" of the Dakota hogback area which will be affected by this rezone for mining. This gives a perspective on the potential "area of land disturbance" should a long-term expansion of mining be allowed to move forward on the Dakota hogback.
PTH will continue to provide these updates as new information on this case comes to our attention.
Thank you for supporting the PTH cause.
PTH Team